Sports Gala
SHAHEENS’ SPORTS GALA 2023. Having done with the mini gala of the pre junior kids on 15 Dec, it was now the final day of the 2023 sports gala on 16 Dec.Weather was dicey with the sun playing hide and seek most of the day.The final sports matches were rounded up before the break and then came the most awaited events of the day, the PT display,followed by the grand marchpast.The junior girls presented a mesmerising PT display of colours and movements.
It was, no doubt, the star show of the day.Then came the march past,the students entering the parade ground,wave after wave to the tunes of martial music.After presenting the salute they assembled and stayed in position till the end. After the marchpast the young soldiers dressed in pak army,navy and air force uniforms came marching in to the tune of the marching drums earning thunderous applause from the audience.
Then followed the professionals in profession costumes depicting the careers that Shaheens are made capable to undertake after their higher education.The co curricular activities undertaken by our students during the students week were also presented before the parents to inform them the way the inter house competitions are held to select the overall champion house of the year. It was now time to declare the sports champions. Best boy athlete. Best boy player. Best girl player,and to top it all, THE SPORTS CHAMPION HOUSE OF 2023 .SIRSYED HOUSE won the honours. Congratulations SIRSYED HOUSE.
The grand show of the day was made possible only with the untiring efforts of our staff which is highly appreciated. Shaheen's Final Games of Sports Gala 2023.
(Tug f wars , Cricket Boys & Girls , Badminton Boys &Girls , Relay Races , X Country. 100 meter & 200 meter races , Volly Ball , Lemon Spoon & Chatty Race of girls).